Borderlands Wiki

This page is a summarization of every main feature in borderlands. Including, but not limited to; Story/main quests, features, controls, and help.

Main Menu

New Game

Start a new borderlands story character. Starting with a brief introduction to the game, followed by choosing from one of four classes, and then playing through the tutorial (Most likely). Scroll down to read about the game after choosing this option.

Load Game

Load one of your borderlands characters. Scroll down, or use the table of contents, to find where you are in the story and read about how to get through it.


Host, custom-join, or quick-join a co-op campaign. yo mama


Host, custom-join, or quick-join a multiplayer game. Including; Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch. (Unconfirmed)


Edit controls, video, audio, or gameplay. Or view the credits.

Beginning A New Game

The exact way you begin the game is currently unknown.

Arid Badland

The arid badlands is one of the confirmed areas to contain quests, none are known at the moment.

Rust Commons

Rust Commons is one of the confirmed areas to contain quests, none are known at the moment.
